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> Pforzheimer Zeitung (pdf / 330kB) > Allgäuer Zeitung (pdf / 230kB) > Heilbronner Stimme (pdf / 590kB) > Westfälischer Anzeiger (pdf / 770kB) > Hessische Allgemeine Nachrichten (pdf / 498kB) > Frankfurter neue Presse (pdf / 876kB) > Süddeutsche Zeitung (pdf / 120kb) > In Franken (pdf / 1,3mb) > Ostfriesische Nachrichten (pdf / 2mb) > Heilbronner Stimme (pdf / 512kb) > Nordbayerischer Kurier (pdf / 171kb) > L'Alsace (pdf / 1,3mb) > Kultur in der Region (pdf / 475kb) > Schweizer Tagesanzeiger (pdf / 194kb) > Badische Neueste Nachrichten (pdf / 1,1mb)Online links / TV / Radio
> BR Klassik (Artikel) > SRF (Artikel) > SWR2 (Radio Beitrag) > ZEIT Online (Artikel) > ECHO Klassik 2011 (Video) > ZDF Mittagsmagazin (Video) > BR Abendschau (Video)Press comments
“Chamber music on the highest artistic level and right at the cutting edge.” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)“A top-notch band” (Die Welt)
“This is the way to interest a new audience in what used to be called ‘serious music’.” (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
“Unconventional, bold and inventive, Spark displays a phenomenal flair for an out-of-the-ordinary sound, blending compositions from all continents and eras and, almost as an afterthought, deploying consummate virtuosity and technical brilliance to overturn our conception of classical music.“ (Heilbronner Stimme)
“The Fab Five.” (Der Tagesspiegel)
“Everyone, no matter what their musical preference, will immediately identify in some way with SPARK. This is simply all about emotionally experiencing good music.” (Nordbayerischer Kurier)
“Chamber music can be this hot.” (Zürichsee-Zeitung)
“A seething melting-pot of classical music, jazz, film music and minimal music” (Augsburger Allgemeine)
“Spark is brilliant in any and all genres; its musicality is breathtaking.” (rbb Kulturradio)
“Ecstatic energy.” (Die Rheinpfalz)
“A genuine classical music phenomenon not unlike Yo-Yo Ma or the Kronos Quartet, but even more vital.” (American Record Guide)
“Simply phenomenal.” (Fono Forum)
“The intrepid young pioneers of the classical music scene.” (Badisches Tagblatt)
“Compelling artists who have such total command of their instruments that they can carry the day in any music style you can name, without limiting themselves to any specific genre.” (L’Alsace)
“Chamber music for the Facebook generation” (Die Zeit)
“Refreshing soundscapes wrapped up in a concept that defies convention.” (Wiener Zeitung)
“Influences from pop and dance are convincingly combined with classical music.” (de Volkskrant)
“A spark? No, a blaze of fire!” (Südwestpresse)
“Music of today with instruments of yesteryear in a performance that is of tomorrow.” (Ostfriesische Nachrichten)
“A radical new face for chamber music and classical in general.” (Audiophile Audition)
“Fiery, wild and played with unbridled joy in music making.” (Heilbronner Stimme)
“A gang of rockers, wielding classical music instruments.” (Augsburger Allgemeine)